Repository of AMU


In the AMU repository of bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses DSpace only metadata are freely accessible (only records of qualifying works, not their full-text versions). The full texts of theses (after 2006) are made accessible in DSpace after standard logging into the AMU computer network.

Online Databases of AMU


JSTOR is a comprehensive online database of full-text scientific journals in the social sciences and the humanities. AMU currently subscribes to the Arts & Sciences III collection, where you can find over 200 titles, especially in the areas of art studies and musicology; several journals are also focused on the performing arts and film studies. You can find a list of titles using this link . These include Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Musical Quarterly, The Musical Times, Art Journal, Cinema Journal, Film Quarterly, Theatre Journal, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, and Performing Arts Journal.

Routledge performance archive

AMU thanks Soundsnap for educational access to the FX database

Online databases DAMU

Online databases FAMU

Online databases HAMU